Certifications That RCFE Administrators Need for Hospice

More than 1 million people per year receive hospice care. This care can occur in a standalone facility devoted to hospice. It can also occur at home. For assisted living residents, home means the assisted living facility. An RCFE administrator certification can help you deliver quality hospice care at hospice facilities, in assisted living communities, and similar types of facilities.

RCFE Administrator Certification for Hospice Care

Hospice administrators come by their jobs in many ways and can also be known as executive directors. There usually is no overarching certification they must have to serve in their roles. Instead, governing boards for the various facilities set the requirements. That said, an hospice administrator certification can help you stand out as a candidate, as can RCFE admin certification.

In RCFE classes, you can learn about the regulations for working with hospice, who pays for it, and the various guidelines when caring for hospice residents. A master’s degree is helpful but not necessarily required. A bachelor’s may not be required, either, but experience as a registered nurse can be a boost.

The specific duties of hospice administrators include ensuring patients get quality care, monitoring the services offered, enforcing various regulations, and communicating updated information to the governing body.

Continuing Education for Administrators

Whether you work (or want to work) at a hospice or assisted living facility, RCFE administrator certification can help you in the job. Continuing education classes also let you stay updated and are easy to take online.

How to Become an Assisted Living Administrator

If you feel a calling to help elderly individuals or adults with disabilities but aren’t the hands-on type, a career in assisted living administration may be perfect for you. To start, you’ll need to be at least 21 years old with a high school diploma (or GED), have a clean background check, complete RCFE classes, and pass a final licensing exam.

What Are RCFE Classes?

RCFE (Residential Care Facility for the Elderly) classes are here to prepare you for the ins and outs of running an assisted living facility. Some classes are available online, but they’re mostly always followed by physical classrooms and hands-on learning. You’ll be required to complete a number of hours to earn your certification, but these vary by program and state.

What Do RCFE Classes Cover?

Primarily, you’ll learn about the daily care of your residents, including aspects such as:

  • bathing and dressing
  • healthful meals
  • first aid 
  • cleanliness and safety

You’ll also learn about laws and regulations in your state so you can keep the facility up to standards, as well as various administrative tasks that you’ll need to know before you start, such as staffing and scheduling.

What Happens After the Final Exam?

At the end of your RCFE classes, you’ll need to sit for an exam and pass with a score of 70% in order to get your license. Depending on your state’s requirements, you’ll probably have to sit for a refresher exam every few years to stay on top of changing laws and regulations. With the proper education under your belt, you’ll be able to work in an care facility or open your very own.

Benefits of Online Learning for RCFE Certification

When looking to get your RCFE certification, you may wonder whether you should attend class in person or online. While both offer key benefits, the one right for you will depend on your preferences. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each can help make your decision easier.

Benefits of Online RCFE Certification

Here are some benefits of online RCFE certification.


Online learning offers a lot more flexibility than in-person classes. Attending class from home removes the time you need to commute. Flexibility can be a significant advantage if you are working while seeking your certification.

Reduced Cost

Online learning can also be less expensive than in-person classes. Because there is less overhead, it is less costly for the school. You will also save money on gas and travel costs as well.

More Free Time

Because you are learning from home, you will have much more free time than attending in-person classes. This frees up time for whatever you need, whether you are hoping to spend more time with your friends or want to have some time to catch up on your laundry.

Better Access to Material

While in-person learning requires you to take notes and hear everything said the first time, online classes are often recorded and available for you to access later. This is great if you want clarification or to ensure you have taken adequate notes.

Find What’s Best for You

You will be the one to make the ultimate decision on whether online learning for your RCFE certification is right for you. Consider these advantages help make your decision.

4 Reasons To Take Your RCFE Classes Online

Are you dreaming of running a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE) but dreading a long drive to in-person RCFE classes? If so, you should consider taking the courses online. The state of California lets you complete up to 20 hours virtually. You may even be able to finish the remaining 60 hours via Zoom or a similar videoconference application.

Benefits of Online RCFE Classes

1. More Free Time

With virtual RCFE courses, you do not have to waste time traveling to and from a classroom. Instead of spending hours on the freeway or sitting in traffic, you can focus more on activities you enjoy.

2. Collaboration Opportunities

Even when your classes are online, you do not have to learn by yourself. Many virtual courses come with message boards and chat features that you can use to communicate with your classmates. You can also utilize these tools to speak one-on-one with your professor if necessary.

3. Flexible Scheduling

You do not need to completely rearrange your schedule to attend your online classes. You can simply turn on your computer and listen to the lectures at a time that is convenient for you.

4. Improved Time Management

It is somewhat easy to arrange your schedule when your class is on a set day and time. The flexibility provided by an online course makes time management more difficult but also allows you to sharpen this important skill.

Next Steps

Your online RCFE classes should teach you the same things you would learn during in-person lectures. After you complete the course, you can sign up for the certification exam. You should have the knowledge you need to pass the test and become an RCFE administrator.

What Does It Take To Become an RCFE Administrator?

For those looking to develop a job into a career, the path to becoming an RCFE administrator is a clear and easily navigated one. It takes work, but the steps are not complex, so doing the work is what is important. That means getting the experience you need and gaining the right certifications. It also means pursuing RCFE continuing education credits to keep that certification active.

What It Takes To Get Certified

Basic RCFE certification requires you to pass a test after an 80-hour training course aimed at the specifics of the industry and its regulations. Those courses can offer up to 20 hours online, the rest needs to be completed live even if it is done over video conferencing software. If you pass the test after attending the course and you meet the other requirements for the position, you can start work.

The position does require you to be at least 21 years old, and depending on the size of your workplace, it could require you to have up to three years of industry experience and two years of college. Those are not necessary for work at the smallest facilities, however. Age, criminal background check, and certification are what matters at that size.

What RCFE Continuing Education Is Required

To stay on top of best practices in the industry and continue developing your skills, the state of California requires 40 hours of RCFE continuing education credits every two years. If you maintain the certification in good standing by fulfilling those credits, recertification via testing is not necessary.

California RCFE Requirements

In California, residential care facilities for the elderly that do not provide medical care are regulated and certified under a concrete set of requirements designed to protect residents and maintain a level of consistency in the industry. Facilities that do provide ongoing medical care and maintain nursing staff have separate certifications they must qualify for.

Staff Training Requirements for RCFE Certification

Training requirements for staff and administrators are among the most important certification requirements. An RCFE admin certificate is required for all administrative staff, which means an 80-hour training course with a state certification test at the end. Once certified, 40 hours of continuing education are required every two years to maintain it in good standing.

Staff requirements are simpler. New staff is required to have at least 40 hours of on-site training before fully assuming a role. The first 20 hours should be instructive in a setting where there is no patient contact. The last 20 involve learning from experienced staff while interacting with patients. All staff and administrative employees also receive dementia care training, even in facilities that are not licensed for dementia care.

Learn More About Staffing Requirements

If your facility is larger than 15 beds, your administrators may need professional development beyond the minimum RCFE certification standards. Before expanding your facility, make sure you understand what you will need to do to keep your staffing practices in line with the state’s requirements for medium or large residential care facilities. That way, you will be able to tackle any credentialing issues before they even come up.

Is an RCFE Administrator Required To Run an RCFE?

A Residential Care Facility for the Elderly needs an RCFE administrator to run it. They must ensure the facility is safe and adheres to all current laws. Here is more about this individual and why they are important.

Where Are They Required?

They are required at any facility that is a licensed RCFE. However, unlicensed facilities, such as ones that only offer housing, meals, and housekeeping, do not need a licensed administrator.

What Is Their Training Like?

They must complete the administrator certification training and keep up-to-date with continuing education units. These can be done completely in person or mixed with online classes. Online classes are done in a live setting. A vendor approved by the state must conduct them. Even though many of the courses can be done online, this is still a rigorous training. An administrator must go through the following:

  • 40 hours of group home training
  • 40 hours of short-term residential therapeutic programs training
  • 12 hours to get a certificate of completion for these two
  • 35 hours of adult residential facility training
  • 80 hours of RCFE training

What Do They Do?

One responsibility of the administrator is to set the fees and handle budgeting. They also handle admissions and marketing to attract new residents. They typically curate staff scheduling and training as well. Administrators may also manage planning for meals and activities at smaller facilities.

An RCFE Administrator Must Run an RCFE

The RCFE administrator must ensure the facility adheres to all current laws. Therefore, they must go through strict training. That ensures that facilities are safe and residents receive high-quality care.

Training Needed To Take the California State RCFE Certification Test

In order to be eligible for certification as an administrator for a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly, you must take a course with a provider that the State of California has approved to offer these training services. After course completion, you will be ready to take the California State RCFE certification exam. Review the training components that you are going to need in order to take and pass the exam on your first attempt.

RCFE Certification Class Time

You must complete 80 course hours in order to take the exam. If you opt for an online RCFE course, you may complete 20 of these hours at your own pace.

Online Learning Opportunities That Can Prepare You for the Exam

Participating in an online course can offer you adequate preparation to get a passing score on the RCFE certification exam. Being able to take the course from the comfort of home may help you maintain focus while you are learning and improve your ability to retain the information effectively.

RCFE Certification Course Materials

The exam tests candidates’ knowledge of the materials that they studied in their coursework. While it is an open-book exam, bear in mind that it covers a large volume of information.

You will need to have a strong understanding of the subject matter that your course instructor covered, particularly applicable regulations. You may refer to relevant regulations during the exam. It is helpful to take assiduous notes during your class time and prepare an outline summarizing key points. Ideally, you should choose an RCFE certification training course that features a practice exam.

3 Steps To Open an RCFE

Opening your residential care facility for the elderly will not be easy. From finding someone with an RCFE administrator certification to finally opening your doors, you must remain dedicated to your vision of caring for the elderly. Here are the steps that you must follow to achieve your dream. 

1. Find Someone With an RCFE Administrator Certification

The first step is to find a qualified administrator. Without this individual, you cannot even proceed to the next step. If you plan to get certified yourself, you must do that before going any further. 

2. Secure a Location

It should be evident that you cannot open an RCFE without a building. To submit your license application, you need to show “control of property,” meaning documentation that you own, are purchasing, or are renting a suitable facility. 

3. Get a Pre-Inspection

It would be best if you did this as soon as possible. For a small fee, a fire marshall will come out and tell you if your building meets local and state fire safety regulations or if you need to make modifications. This is money well spent. Without this information, you won’t be able to fit the maximum number of residents into your building. You’ve already invested in your business. Take the time to maximize your investment by giving yourself more service capacity. 

Follow These Steps To Get Started

Whether you have your RCFE administrator certification or are looking for an individual to fill this gap, take this step first. Then, follow the rest to achieve your dream of opening your RCFE. 

How To Become a Director of an Assisted Living Facility

If you’ve always found yourself compelled to care for others, you’ve likely considered a career in a caring profession. Caregiver training for RCFE offers the opportunity to utilize your compassion and forge a rewarding path as a leader in a residential center for the elderly.

Assess Whether RCFE Is the Best Career Path

Becoming a director of an assisted living facility can be very rewarding, but before you pursue this position, you should consider whether it’s a good fit for your skills. Assisted living facility directors must be organized, competent, and well-versed in effective management.

In addition to these qualifications, some facilities may require that a candidate possess a high school diploma or an advanced degree in a subject such as healthcare management. In many cases, though, completing caregiver training for RCFE is a sufficient qualification.

Other qualifications to become a director of an assisted living facility include prior experience in a caregiving role and familiarity with best practices for elder care. You can gain both of these qualifications by completing a training program.

Consider Enrolling in Caregiver Training for RCFE

You’ve decided you want to become the director of an assisted living facility — what’s next? Completing caregiver training for RCFE offers a direct path to your chosen career. This type of program prepares candidates for various management positions in the senior living field.

You can even complete a training program while you maintain your current position. Choose from programs that fit into your schedule so that you can launch your new career without interrupting your life. Check out https://assistedlivingeducation.com/faq/ if you have any questions.